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2, rue Le Royer, Vieux-Montréal,
QC H2Y 3V8 Canada
T. 1 514 287 9222 / 1888 BONALDO
F. 1 514 287 7674

Gandia Blasco

Dozequinze Collection

Design Francesco Sillitti

DozeQuinze is a collection that was inspired from the observation of the thick cable connections in the city of Sao Paulo. DozeQuinze is a line of furniture that transposes the characteristic element transmitting to each object a unique and distinct character… DozeQuinze is designed for indoor and outdoor space. Its structure is stainless steel tube and the seat is made with a rubber band. This structure gives strength and comfort.

Dozequinze Collection

DozeQuinze is a collection that was inspired from the observation of the thick cable connections in the city of Sao Paulo. DozeQuinze is a line of furniture that transposes the characteristic element transmitting to each object a unique and distinct character… DozeQuinze is designed for indoor and outdoor space. Its structure is stainless steel tube and the seat is made with a rubber band. This structure gives strength and comfort.

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